News and Updates
Upcoming Community Conference
with AIR-B and UCLA
Free conference on Autism for Parents, advocates, and community
“Safe and Sound: Planning for Individuals with Autism”
Sign up now to join the virtual conference on March 21st, 2025
CAN-DO community conference before INSAR
Collaboratively Advancing the Network: Designing Opportunities (CAN-DO)
Join for presentations and conversations about how researchers, leaders, caregivers, and autistic individuals can work together to improve care…
EMERGE study to explore language trajectories of low-income, ethnically diverse children with Autism.
this article originally from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Connie Kasari interviewed in Kazakhstan, discussing children with autism.
2024 (Video only available in Kazakh)
Synaptic Podcast: Social Communication and Developmental Disorders with Connie Kasari
2023 (Audio only)
INSAR: An Interview with Dr. Connie Kasari
TAND: Early Interventions
The Development of Play in Children with Autism
2022 (With the Virginia Commonwealth University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center)
CART: Advances in Autism (2022)
PACE: Transitions Into and Out of Special Education in California (2020)
CART: Coffee CART A's to ZZZ's of Sleep and Insomnia in Autism Spectrum Disorder (2020)
Claves en la Atención Infantil Temprana-cias 17 (2019)
The Transmitter - Connie Kasari Evaluates Autism Therapies (2018)
Workshop: Social Communication Intervention for Children with ASD (2018)
UCLA CART - Advances in Intervention Science: Current Evidence, Future Directions? (2017)
Autism on the Mighty - School with Autism Strategies for Successful Inclusion (2017)
Autism INSAR - Parent Mediated Interventions with Children with ASD (2017)
Advances in Autism CART (2016)
University of California Irvine - Autism Update: The Future of Autism Research (2014)