Evidence-Based Interventions

The Kasari Lab translates evidence-based research into impactful interventions. We partner with community agencies to deliver relevant interventions that are adaptable enough to meet the needs of each child, flexible enough to be implemented in a wide range of settings, and sustainable enough to be impactful in the long-term.

JASPER (Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation) is a treatment approach based on a combination of developmental and behavioral principles. It targets the foundations of social communication (joint attention, imitation, play) and uses naturalistic strategies to increase the rate and complexity of social communication.
Over the past 20 years, JASPER has been tested in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involving nearly 500 children with ASD with studies conducted both within the Kasari Lab and by independent researchers. Across many independent trials evaluating JASPER’s efficacy, we found improvements in joint engagement, social communication, and emotion regulation with decreasing negativity over time, as well as increasing parental co-regulation strategies. JASPER was one of two social communication interventions recommended by the UK NICE as evidence based (2013).

AIR-B is a network of research sites and community partners across the United States who research and develop autism interventions and tools for children with autism and their families. AIR-B focuses on inclusion for those who have been under-served and minoritized.